Youths’ RE.S.P.E.C.T.

Youths’ RE.S.P.E.C.T.

Youths’ RE.S.P.E.C.T. of Solidarity, Peace, Equality, Citizenship and Tolerance through creativity 2019-2-CY02-KA205-001641

All partner institutions from the Cyprus, Greece, Bulgaria and Poland face intolerance during their activities with youth; inefficient national efforts against disrespect of cultural diversity and need for new strategies in order to deal with it. A part of the youth our partner organizations work with, belong to different cultural minority groups and usually, they are the main victims of intolerance. The project has identified as target group trainers, youth workers, involved in youth education. Each partner has identified the needs of his own target group to acquire new strategies to promote respect for diversity and social inclusion; on the other hand to share the strategies each partner is using, enhancing European experience to deal with cultural diversity. The project aims to develop a culture of diversity in order to facilitate the social inclusion of young people belonging to cultural minorities.

The project has the following objectives:

  1. To increase the professional development of each partner organization through European collaboration, through non-formal and intercultural learning for managing cultural diversity with the means of 3 Short-term joint staff training events.
  2. To strengthen the networking among partners developing a new learning e-tool – “Youth RE.S.P.E.C.T”, a web TV channel as a true resource of international value, bringing together the best European practices to facilitate social inclusion of young people belonging to cultural minorities.
  3. To launch an awareness raising campaign “Youth RE.S.P.E.C.T. thru Cre8ivity”.

The objectives will be achieved through:

  1. 3 Short-term joint staff training events during which the target groups of each partner will learn: – to produce alternative music through the preparation and use of musical instruments made of recycled materials, – through arts -to create stop-motion animation, comic strips against cultural intolerance and its consequences – in terms of digital skills, linguistic competences and knowledge, – to use land art and mail art, role playing and workshops with messages for respect for diversity, and more.
  2. “Youth RE.S.P.E.C.T”, the web TV channel as digital network among partner organizations will be used to upload new resources for NGO staff, youth workers, young people being open towards interested organizations and individuals; also, a special field – Collection of best practices in non-formal learning- as a valuable tool for learning will be used by youth workers.
  3. The awareness raising campaign- “Youth RE.S.P.E.C.T. thru Cre8ivity”, using non-formal methods acquired during the training events.
  4. 3 short training events for young people we are working with –according to the model of the 3 Short-term joint staff training events.

The project impact on the trainers and youth workers will be very strong. They will acquire digital competences and artistic practices, will create ICT resources, will acquire competences to train youth to develop o culture of diversity, to respect cultural diversity and to stand against intolerance, for social inclusion; Also, the project will have a great impact on youth too. They will become more capable to develop a culture of diversity, to respect people belonging to different cultural diversity groups, to stand against intolerance. The partner organizations will improve their professional capacity acquiring new strategies and practice to deal with cultural diversity; they will become able to organize a wide range of events bringing innovative methods of combating intolerance, of forming youth more tolerant and more involved in the community life, of including those belonging to disadvantaged backgrounds. Due to the project, youth will stand together with the whole community against intolerance, to strengthen the networking among generations. Maintaining the website after the project end and invited new organizations, institutions involved in youth education, youth, trainers as users and journalists, the project results (articles, video products regarding flash mob, mail art with messages, land art, comic strips, alternative music production, role play regarding cultural diversity) will be used by many institutions working in youth education after the end of the project. Also, the Raising Awareness Campaign will become a tradition for all partners.